Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Worth it

We had to pay extra to change my plane ticket to get me to Ethiopia three days earlier
I had a 9 hour layover at Dulles Airport in the middle of the night and slept on the floor
22 hours on one airplane (6 of those were spent on the ground fixing mechanical problems)
But in a second, it was all worth it.  I met Hudson Muse today and he is sleeping next to me as I write this.  He is adorable in every way.  He still has a bit of a cold, but is so sweet and cuddly.


s a r a h said...

LOVE IT!! so happy for you. i have literally been thinking about you ALL day! love the pictures of you and sweet baby hudson! much love to all four of the Neals on this very special day! woohoo!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness!! So great to see you holding your little guy! Tears over here! And how can you look that cute after such a crazy trip???

T said...

So worth it! Congrats! Praying for a smooth adjustment for our sweet little boy. So comfy and cozy he looks in your arms!

Oh Dear said...

Hi Cindy!
I am an adoption blog junky!! I know that it was God is preparing our hearts for.
My friend Tonya posted your good news on FB so I had to read!!

Congratulations to you mommy on another BEAUTIFUL baby boy!!!

AnnMarie & Nick said...

Woooo-hooooo, he is so stinkin' cute! I'm so happy you are there!

Pam Zicker said...

Crying tears of joy and seeing that every trip to Ethiopia, phone call, and minute spent on this little guy was also WORTH IT as I see him with his forever mommy. Congratulations guys!

Tricia said...

So glad you got there safely and that all is well with Hudson. Have a great time there.