Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My burden

I'm going to step out and share with you about what has been on my heart lately. I've tried to keep this blog light and happy- pictures of our house, updates on my sweet Belachew. But my heart is heavy and I've struggled with the right words to try to express what has been going on. It's kept me up many nights, thinking and praying. It's brought me to tears many times. So here it goes.

143 million orphans in the world

This number evokes many emotions for me. I am saddened by this number, knowing there is a face, name, and story behind each one. I am angered by the injustice and suffering of our world. I am frustrated at why more is not being done- by the church, by the government, by individuals (myself included). I am moved to thought and action, reading as much as I can and learning about how to care for orphans and prevent children from being orphaned in the first place. Many times, I am simply overwhelmed. I know that I am not alone in these feelings.

I am constantly reminded of the orphans I have had the privilege of spending time with in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Children in the U.S. as well, who come from broken homes or who have been bounced from foster home to foster home. These children who I have held, played games with, listened to their stories, cried and prayed with. Children who have lined up, holding their arms up and waiting for their turn to be held or hugged by someone. Children whose pictures are in my home and whose stories are forever in my heart. Faces and experiences that keep me up at night, in prayer and in tears. Some children who I know by name, other children whose names I never knew, but who have made an impact in my life. I grew up in a Christian home, but it was through my time with these children that I really found my faith. I learned (a little) about Jesus' heart and what it means to follow him. Sure, following Jesus requires faith and sacrifice, but love is the greatest command He has given us.

Since I have become a mother, my mind and heart has been consumed with orphans more than ever. I've wrestled with what my response should be, personally and as a family. I've talked to some friends, my church leaders, and followed other adoptive family's blogs who are wrestling with some of the same feelings. And my next step begins tomorrow, with a trip to attend the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit. There, I hope to learn from some people with much more experience and knowledge than myself, to get some ideas for launching an adoption network and orphan care ministry at my church, and to be renewed in my desire to advocate for orphans. I'm also looking forward to meeting some other adoptive families, who share my burden and passion and whose stories encourage and inspire me. I'll plan to share some highlights of the conference, once I get settled back at home. I'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers for my time at the conference.

(While there are 143 million orphans in the world, I do want to clarify that this does not mean that there are 143 million healthy babies lined up in orphanages, waiting to be adopted. This statistic includes many older children, children with medical special needs, and children who have lost a parent but may still have living birthfamily.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

My boy

We're stuck together

While we were waiting to bring Belachew home, I researched and talked to some friends about baby-wearing. I knew that lots of holding time was good for bonding and that holding Belachew in a baby carrier could be good for his attachment. He wasn't too interested in any sort of baby carrying when we first brought him home, he justed wanted to be held in our arms. I've been hunting down my baby carriers, getting ready for our new baby. Belachew noticed one the other week and wanted to be carried in it most of the day. He kept laughing and smiling and would say "We're stuck together!" He'd stare at my face, stroke my cheek with his hand, and snuggle into my chest. Although I had many things to do that day, I enjoyed every second of our bonding, thinking back to the first day we met and how far we've come since then. As he grows up, I want to remember these moments, when he wanted nothing more to be in my arms. We had a playdate with a friend last week to try a different style of carrier and had fun being "stuck together" again.

Just hangin' around

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A beautiful weekend

We have had beautiful weather the past few days and Belachew is loving it! Yesterday, he was so excited that he got to wear a short sleeved shirt, shorts, and sandals. On our way home from playing with friends at the park, with the window rolled down and the breeze blowing on his face, Belachew looked at me and said "Mama, it is a beautiful day."

We then went to visit family friends who live on a lake. Belachew had a great time with our friends, and especially enjoyed fishing and riding in the boat.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A story that needs to be told...

I found this video yesterday and wanted to share this. It's a story that needs to be told.

“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy.” Psalm 82:3-4

For more information, check out

A day to celebrate

There are so many special days to celebrate as we look back at our journey of becoming a family. There was the day we saw Belachew's face for the first time, the day we got notice of travel, the day we met him, the day we arrived home with him. Today is the 1 year anniversary of becoming his legal parents. Our court date was April 16, 2008 in Ethiopia. We were not actually present in court and didn't meet him until 6 weeks later, but on that day, an Ethiopian judge officially approved our adoption, allowing Belachew to join our family. I remember waiting by the phone all day, anxious to hear if our case was approved. Here is my post about that day:

Now, one year later, we wait to be assigned a court date for Belachew's baby brother.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From the mouth of my son...

A couple of weeks ago, I worked out for the first time in a while. I try to exercise regularly, but with winter and our move, I've been slacking lately. I was sore the following few days and walked around the house moaning and groaning a bit. Belachew looked at me one morning and said, "Mama, does your big old body hurt?" I couldn't decide if I should send him to time-out or cry. Then I realized that my body IS big and old compared to his, so I laughed and thanked him for his concern.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A few inside pics

By popular demand, and as promised, here are a few inside pictures. I'll try to post more as we get more boxes unpacked and rooms settled.

Belachew's Room Before


Living Room Before


Kitchen Before
