Friday, January 22, 2010

Photo from The Oregonian

The adoption agency I work for is partnered with two orphanages in Haiti. Amazingly, 83 children from one of these orphanages arrived in the U.S. last night to meet their new adoptive families. These children's adoptions had been in process for several months prior to the earthquake. In spite of all the suffering and tragedy that we have seen and heard so much of in recent weeks, these photos brought happy tears to my eyes.

Adoption agencies have been bombarded this week with families interested in adopting children from Haiti. I've received many questions about Haiti adoptions and orphan relief efforts. Any interested in both can refer to these resources:, and

I've been amazed at the outpouring of concern and generousity that has been shown to Haiti. It makes me wonder, though, how different the world would be if we responded with so much care and concern over the everyday tragedies in our world. Not just the tsunamis or earthquakes, but to the those in need on a daily basis. There are millions of children who are waiting to be adopted around the world and right now. Haiti has pricked many hearts, and I pray that this passion is carried out into the world.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I agree Cindy. Hearts including our own were pricked...glory to God!
I hope those who signed up for Safe Families consider doing it beyond Haiti...