Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ready or not, we are moving!

We will be moving out of our house in 48 hours. Boxes everywhere, up late packing every night, lots of stress, and a little boy that is a bit confused by everything going on around him. Our new house is not quite ready, so we will be putting our things in storage and living with some friends for a few weeks. Once we're settled, I'll get back to blogging and share pictures of our new house. It's looking great and we can't wait to move in and get settled!

A few lessons I've learned from moving:
-I don't want to move again for a LONG time. Unless the Extreme Home Makeover team shows up at my house with a plane ticket to Hawaii and packs up my house while I'm lying on a beach. Then maybe I'd consider another move...

-We have too much stuff. Even after multiple trips to Goodwill and recycling, we have so much stuff!

-Everytime I think we are making progress and almost done packing, I find another room or closet.

-It is impossible to keep a house clean AND pack it up at the same time

My mom reminded me that the Obama's and Bush's are moving this week as well. I wonder how packing is going for them.


AnnMarie & Nick said...

Good luck, I can't wait to see the before and after pictures:)

Sarah said...'re becoming a horrible picture poster in your move!

Carla said...

A friend of mine referred me your site and I have enjoyed reading about your journey. We accepted a referral for a two year old boy from Ethiopia on Friday. We are very excited to hear about our court date and then traveling to pick him up. We live in Indiana. I wanted to know if you use Kenyon and Belachew both as his names on a regular basis? We are trying to decide on a name for our new addition to our family and I was just looking for some advise from someone who adopted an older child. You can contact me at Sorry we don't have a blog. Sometimes I wish I did but two kids and a full time job just don't leave much time for it. Thanks for your time I look forward to hearing from you.