Monday, May 19, 2008

4 days (and more pictures)

The countdown continues, 4 days until we leave! Last night our church had a shower for Paul and I, as well as another couple that is expecting a baby. We got some fun toys and cute clothes for Kenyon. Thank you, Crossing community, for your love and support!

Our plane tickets are purchased, our itinerary is set, we are getting things done around the house, and we have started packing.

Here are some new pictures of Kenyon. He looks like he has really grown at the care center. After reading his social report we got from our adoption agency last week, some of the reality of the transition he will experience set in. We were told he is very verbal and loves to tell stories. The language barrier is going to be a challenge and frustration, for Kenyon as well as for Paul and I. He is very loved at the care center and has bonded with the staff there and some of the children. We think he will like having our full attention, but it will be hard for him to say good-bye (understandably) to the people who have loved and cared for him for the past few months.

We are expecting some challenges the first few days, weeks, and months and will do our best to love Kenyon, be patient with him, and earn his trust. We will need our friends and family to be patient with Kenyon, and with us, for awhile. We are so grateful for the love and support we have been shown so far.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my - Kenyon Belachew is adorable! We can't wait to meet him.

Will definitely be praying your family as you travel and for the days ahead.

Kelly and Jeff